Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Legalization of Marijuana

Why is Marijuana illegal yet alcohol is legal? Marijuana is its pure form makes people happy and less likely to commit violent crimes, unlike alcohol. If Marijuana is legal then it will also bring down the number of people who are imprisoned. It would also decrease the amount of money spent on prisoners and it could be taxed which will help the economy. Marijuana also helps with certain ailments like pain. Prohibiting Marijuana has failed to stop people from using it; if it is legalized then the FDA can regulate it and the age of people who can get the drug would also be better regulated. By legalizing marijuana it takes away money from the drug cartel. It will also produce more jobs by having centers for the selling and distribution of the drug for medical and recreational purposes. 
Marijuana is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol. Fewer people are likely to get addicted to marijuana than alcohol. The tax money made from the sales of this drug can also go to fund addiction programs. The use and abuse of the drug can be self-sustaining, and could even produce a profit at the end of the day.
By marijuana being legal there is less of a chance of adholescents having access to it. Marijuana has positive affects. It makes people feel mellow and happy. It also has medical uses: it can be used to help with symptoms of cancer, AIDS, pain, vomitting, and many other illnesses. Studies have also shown that it improves sleep, and show that Marijuana can be used to treat and prevent various eye diseases like glaucoma by decreasing the pressure inside the eye. It is also better for your lungs than tobacco; it also increases lung capacity. Marijuana is healthier for one than alcohol or tobacco. It controls epileptic seizures and a chemical found in marijuana can stop cancer from spreading. It can decrease anziety and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It lessens side-effect from treating hepatitis C. The current legal alternatives to marijuana, tobacco and alchohol, have no real positive effects on the human body, while only showing negative signs throughout the human system. 
Keeping marijauna illegal is expensive. People have the freedom to use drugs that will not harm them. It will result in less jailed citizens and bring the crimes rates down in America.  

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you on terms on why we should legalize Marijuana, but just like alcohol there are serious implications. Alcohol also has some medical benefits like it can reduce your risk of developing and dying from heart disease, stroke and diabetes. But just like anything it must be taken in moderation, but some people abuse this. This abuse is what the government is worried about it would have some dramatic effects in our society that is negative.
