Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why don't we have a Health care system like Canada?

This week’s blog I want to talk about the issue that was acknowledged in the documentary by Michael Moore. The documentary brought up the issue regarding health care. The saw the differences in heath care and brought up the debatable topic of universal health care. And Moore always seemed to bring up one question over and over again “Why can’t we all have a system is which everyone has universal health care?” This question always intrigued me so why is that we cannot have a universal healthcare system. Maybe it’s in our nature as Americans that we are rigid in our old ways/habits. We aren’t willing to see the overall good for the public but the good of an individual. Also the way the government is run is a big reason why we aren’t making any good laws that can help the majority. The majority of US citizens don’t even vote. Because we are misguided of are candidates or we just don’t seem to agree or understand their principles and policies. So the wrong politicians are just being elected over and over again to our Congress, House and White House. Our country was built on the principle that people should run the government by electing people to represent our views. Instead we see the same Washington that has always been there, Lobbyists and Big Companies having total control over Washington. Which isn’t really fair to the constituents these politicians are supposed to represent. The ones who are benefiting are the lobbyist for the big companies and politicians who get paid off by the companies. So how do we fix this? I believe that the only way to fix this would be by restarting Washington. Basically get rid of the old ways that Washington runs, instead of electing old people into office maybe we might need to bring in some young blood to get a new change in Washington. In the case of having socialized health care system what is wrong, it benefits the whole nation. Look at countries like England, France, and Canada their system has created a really health lifestyle for the citizens. Yes their taxes might be high but in the long it helps majority in a whole multifaceted ways. It creates healthy lives and gives the country a strong run to progress. In short Universal health care system is great (look at other countries that has them), so why shouldn’t we as Americans have them? Maybe it is the time for change?


  1. I agree that the system needs a serious reboot but what is to stop the same companies from buying off the new young blood?

  2. I agree that we should have universal health care. I believe that one of the main reasons we do not have free health care is because much of our society believes in independence and self-sustainability. One potential way to fix this problem is to educate American citizens on the benefits of universal health care,as many only see the tax increase that will result.
