On the movie “SICKO”, I was very intrigued on how other places tackle the health insurance issue. Unfortunately I do not see the United States ever adopting this type of health care insurance. I don’t believe that a universally “free” health insurance plan would be the best. The best way I can explain why I don’t think the healthcare system that the French and Canadians have is a good idea is by explaining how I bought my daughters wooden swing set. I research and research multiple places online to find the best for my money swing set for my daughter. The prices ranged from 300$ to 3000$. Of course when I saw the 300$ swing alarms started going off in my head saying, “yup this is the one.” When I began reading the reviews on the swing set, there were 31 reviews, not a single one was positive. Everything I read about this product was how cheaply made it was and it did not last. The higher the price on the wooden swing set, the better reviews I began to read. I declined to buy the cheaper swing set because I wanted a quality swing set for my daughter, not one that would come tumbling down and be unsafe. Healthcare is the same way, yes everyone having health insurance would be nice, but there would be no incentive for the healthcare to be better. Unfortunately the higher the price usually means better quality in service. The financial competition is what gives the USA their top notch health care and research. I do think everyone needs insurance and that companies should always provide insurance to their employees, but I do not think universally free health insurance would be any better than what we have now.
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