Friday, December 12, 2014

Is football worth the injuries?

There have been a number of deaths due to most popular sport in America. Football has become very controversial among doctors, parents and also the NFL. No one can come to a conclusion on how to better protect these professional athletes and rising athletes from being injured. Some players have injuries that are fatal that lead to death. Although everybody has to leave this world someday, the main issue is that football is killing men or young men ranging from the ages of 12-45. These men are not getting the chance to grow old with their wives or even see their children or grandchildren grow up.  It’s true that there some injuries that are not so fatal but these players sustain a number of head injuries each year that causes CTE.  Football is a contact and injury prone sport like any other sport but the question is it worth the long-term health issues that come with the game. Although there is nothing like seeing fans or students standing up on their feet to cheer the team on, but in my opinion I don’t think it’s worth the health problems that comes with it. Football can do good things for players or young men that are headed wrong direction because it teaches them unity, sportsmanship, and many skills. It teaches them to be a leader which is what we need more of in this world.  I’m not saying no one should play football because that’s their choice. Maybe they should try enforcing the hit to the helmet rule. If more football players tried not hitting the opposing so hard in the head it will prevent them from causing more concussions. Football is way to relieve stress for some people and that’s where all the hard hits and aggression come from. To be honest I think if they made football a calmer sport I don’t think no one would watch it. If I had a son and he wanted to play football I probably will let play even though I don’t support football. I would give him the chance play and I’m pretty sure if he were to get hit hard enough he would quit himself. 

1 comment:

  1. I understand that the hits can be brutally hard but these men are not forced to play the game. In my opinion the NFL,NCAA, High School, and all other football leagues should make the players sign an agreement that they understand the risk. Would be the same if a police officer got shot and sued the department due to the injuries, No one would agree with the officer because he knew the risk when taking the job.
