Friday, October 31, 2014

Stem Cell Research Video Responce

After watching that video today in class my view on stem cell research changed slightly. After seeing and learning more about the different laboratory methods being used to create both embryonic stem cells from embryos as well as skin cells, I can easily say that I am entirely for stem cell research. I have come to understand that even if you have an embryo that is fertilized in a test tube, it still needs a womb in order to mature and develop into a fetus. I do not believe that there is any evil intention behind the research methods being used, and I do not see how helping people with fertility issues and trying to develop cures for some of the worlds most deadly and horrible diseases is unethical. I just simply do not see it that way. I think that it is great that new stem cell methods are being developed, but embryonic stem cell research must not be forgotten. If we can use the frozen embryos from IFV treatments for experimentation to help learn more about how to treat diseases, that would be fantastic. I believe that as long as there is good intention and no harm is coming to an individual, than I see nothing wrong with stem cell research whatsoever. I believe that it can be used to help millions of people in the future. If stem cells can give a person with a terrible disease, a second chance at life, I am all for it.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the numerous possibilities that could be associated with embryonic stem cell research, there are so many other levels of defining life that you also have to agree with. If you think its okay to use a frozen embryos for stem cell research, then you must also be okay with scientists going and harvesting living embryos to do research on as well. A frozen embryo is still an embryo, it has the same right to life that every other fertilized egg has, so using these embryos is still the same as killing a child. The use of IVF is an example of "playing God" where we as humans try to step in and take control of something that we do not have control over, but we do not have this control for a reason, because we are not suppose to have the ability to change the way things are just because we don't like them. Stem cell research is still wrong despite the possibilities it may seem to have.
