After watching the Stem Cell Research video my thoughts on embryo stem cell research became more adamant. Embryo stem cell research should be allowed. Someone that stood out to me in the video was Lisa O’Callaghan who actually went through multiple IVF treatments and finally gave birth to a girl. Lisa stated that she had some frozen embryos left over, and she clearly stated that she was against embryo stem cell research because it is destroying an innocent potential baby. Lisa went on to say that she did not want to become an old woman whom still had frozen embryos yet she disagreed with donating the embryos to stem cell research and did not mention donating the embryos to other couples. So what does she wants to do with the embryos? The reason why this is problematic for me is because Lisa sees no problem with the embryos being kept frozen for years and it seems clear that she doesn't want to have more children. Therefore, what will be the issue with giving the embryo to research instead of it being cryopreserved and stored away for years? My reason for this perspective is because the video explained that IVF procedures only fertilize the sperm and egg. Therefore, it is not until the embryo is successful inside the mother’s womb that it becomes a fetus.
This video allowed me to see that in cases as in the male who was paralyzed and was restrained from doing simply daily activities was not allowed to because there is no research to cure him, but that can change if scientist find a way to use stem cells to actual regenerate the cells that were destroyed for this male. Embryo stem cell research can change save many lives one day if it is successful which is why I support this research.